Immune System Boosting Superfoods You Should Know About

By Antonina Seehusen

Don't you work at having the best health you can? Most of us do. There's nothing wrong with this. Even if we don't always feel like it, we exercise for this reason. We take more care with what we eat and include more healthy, well-balanced meals in our diet plan. For this reason, we chug down glass after glass of water throughout our day. Deep inside we know that doing these things is important if we want to maintain our health.

But what do we do when it's the start of the flu and cold season? What if people at work have started coming down with a bug we don't want to catch? This is exactly when you need to know how to make your immune system stronger. Here are some foods you can eat to do just that.

One surprising food - at least to me - that is a superfood is turkey! Did you know that? Sorry vegans and vegetarians, but this is the truth. While most lean cuts of meat are good for your overall health, turkey is set apart because of its high levels of glutamine. Your white blood cells depend on glutamine to maintain their viability and health. Another benefit of eating turkey is that it helps raise your T cell count. This is another important factor to the health and strength of your immune system.

T-cells belong to the adaptive immune system. There are specific T Cells to fight different diseases and bacteria. Zinc is very important for T-cells, as it helps activate them so they can strengthen your immune system. Just 100 grams of wheat germ contains 17 milligrams of zinc. This will keep your body healthy. Wheat germ is so versatile, it can be added to a wide variety of foods. If you just make a habit of sprinkling some wheat germ on your food, you will find it easy to get enough each day. The flavor is great, but delicate, and won't interfere with whatever food you are adding it to.

As you may know, Vitamin C breaks down when it gets warm. It's extremely sensitive to any type of heat. It's pretty easy to understand why eating your kale raw is the better choice, right? Since Vitamin C is so important for keeping your immune system strength up, include raw kale in your eating plan weekly.

In order to boost your immune system, there are many steps you can take.

Work out three to five times a week, without fail. Drink an adequate amount of water daily so your body stays hydrated. Don't drink a gallon at one time, however, spread your consumption throughout your day. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is, of course, one of the best things you can do to maintain a healthy body. One of the best things you can do, however, when you want to avoid colds and the flu, is to load up on immune system 'superfoods.' There are many superfoods, and we've only mentioned three in this article. Check around online and you will discover many more.

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