Are Carbohydrates Killing Your Insulin Sensitivity?

By Terrance Franklin

So far, we have gone over the two different types of metabolism, fat or carb based. What is the distinction between the two of these and why is it crucial to survival?

The destiny of hungry cells

At any moment, the body will be in a state of carb or fat metabolism. It will take days to switch into ketosis, and often more than a week for those who have never experienced it before. For this reason, carbs are the ideal supply of fuel when they are abundant, however leave you in the cold once you lose access, as you could in a survival situation.

Let us say you had two twins, one who was in a state of carbohydrate metabolism and one who was in a state of fat metabolism. Just imagine your tragedy of choice wipes out infrastructure and in 3 days, there isn't any access to survival foods. Both are now in a state of starvation. Let us also say for the sake of the debate that they are in a state of physical exertion, moving over land, protecting themselves and porting supplies with them.They are dishing out energy, which has to come from someplace. In this particular case, the body.

Metabolic processing of fat

Twin #1 is in a state of ketosis. His cells are ready to receive ketones as a fuel supply. In a state of hunger with energy to use, his cells will need ketones. Thankfully, he will have an enormous supply of ketones in his body fat. Fat will be changed into usable calories at 9 calories for each gram. For the normal person, it is a lot of energy. Taking an average weight of 175 lbs along with a healthy bodyfat percentage of 15%, this twin will be able to lose 10% of his weight in fat, or 17.5 lbs before it will become unhealthy. This leaves close to 8000 grams of usable fat, which converts into a tremendous 72000 calories just before twin#1 begins losing more useful tissue.

The carbohydrate metabolic process

Twin #2 is used to using glucose as a source of calories. Without carbohydrates to eat, his cells will need to adapt to ketosis. In the mean time, it is going to be a hard changeover. Some symptoms well known to low carb dieters include brain fog, sleepiness, absence of energy and head aches. During my time with keto diets I even experienced some terrible migraines too. This can continue for a couple of days, however it might be as long as 7 days depending on the dietary record of the person. Meanwhile, the world might be falling apart and valuable time is being lost.

One of the most scary consequences is the decrease in muscle tissue. As you might recall, proteins are quite close to carbohydrates and when required, can be transformed. Due to this, people in a state of carbohydrate metabolism shed more muscle compared to those in fat metabolism. The proteins are scavenged and broken down into the preferred fuel supply, carbohydrate. In a state of essentially working out, this is a lot more likely.

The extra factor

Although calories may be available, there are critical vitamins and minerals to be considered for survival. Remain updated for the next write-up in the sequence for the important nutrients to supplement calories in a starvation state.

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Top 5 Dietary Weight Loss Tips

With the current availability of such a vast array dietary weight loss options, it's sometimes nice to have a condensed overview of what are arguably the most important solutions to focus on. These are represented by the following 5 tips:

1. Eat the right carbohydrates. Try to make sure that most of the carbohydrates you consume are from low GI slow releasing sources. These disturb blood sugar balance far less, helping to reduce the body's output of the weight promoting hormone insulin. Some examples of good low GI carbohydrate sources include durum wheat pasta, whole grain breads (sour dough is best), winter squash, basmati rice and sweet potatoes. Fruits are also a rich source of carbohydrate; certain fruits are better than others (see tip number 5 which covers sugar). Most non-starchy vegetables are fine to eat in abundance; good examples include leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, kale, cabbage and brussels sprouts).

2. Eat protein rich foods with each major meal. You may also want to consume protein rich snacks and protein shakes between meals. Research indicates that protein helps reduce appetite and enhance metabolism, both of which encourage weight loss. Major sources of protein in the diet are derived from meat, fish and eggs and/or vegetarian sources such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts and seeds. An extract from dairy called whey protein is a particularly effective appetite suppressant, this is available in shake or bar form.

3. Reduce your intake of cheap refined vegetable oils, and increase your intake of omega 3 fats. Most commercially bought refined vegetable oils (sunflower oil, corn oil, soy oil, canola oil, rapeseed oil and mixed blend vegetable oil) are likely to increase levels of inflammation in the body. Inflammation may reduce your sensitivity to the blood sugar control hormone insulin, prompting your body to pump out more of it. Bare in mind that insulin is a fat promoting hormone. Vegetable oil is not only found as cooking oil, it is also a common ingredient in many breads, cakes, biscuits and chocolates. Olive oil is much better than vegetable oil, however coconut oil is one of the best oils to cook with.

Omega 3 fats such as those from oily fish and flaxseeds (linseeds) help to improve the body's responsiveness to insulin, meaning your body should be able to release less of this hormone. Good oily fish sources include salmon, mackerel, tuna (not tinned) and sardines. Flaxseeds are available in whole seed, ground seed or oil form.

4. Eat fibre rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and lentils. Fibre is a natural appetite suppressant, due to its physical bulking qualities. Fibre also enhances digestive and detoxification functioning. Collectively these aspects may assist healthy blood sugar control, and reduce insulin output.

5. Remove or drastically reduce your sugar intake. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate made up of the two molecules glucose and fructose. Fructose is the problem component. Excessive fructose consumption may lead to increased inflammation and blood fat concentrations. These two factors have been associated with reduced insulin sensitivity, which may prompt increased insulin output, enhancing your chance of weight gain. Rich sources of fructose can be found in table sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, glucose-fructose syrup and honey. Look out for these on product ingredient lists. Certain fruits are also high in fructose:

apples, pears, bananas (green tipped ones are lower in fructose), grapes and pineapple. It's not that you can't eat these, just do it in moderation. Fruit juices made from these fruits and other high fructose fruits are best avoided, as they are likely to contain much greater concentrations of fructose. The better fruits with lower fructose contents are berries, cherries, apricots, plums and grapefruits. Much more comprehensive lists of the fructose content of various fruits can be found by searching online.

Although not exhaustive, these tips should help direct you on your way to successful and lasting weight loss.
Alex Vita (BSc) is a fully qualified nutritional therapist with 10 years experience in the field of natural health. He is creator of the nutritional blog that features both video and written health information. He has also published a self-help ebook on acne called Natural Acne Solutions, found at this provides nutritional guidance on dealing with acne naturally.

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Tips on Detox Diets for Weight Loss

Detox diets for weight loss are becoming popular these days. They not only help in reducing the weight but rejuvenate our body also. A detox diet helps to clean toxins, which may have build-up over the years. When toxins from cells get cleaned, the mind becomes clear, healthy, and energetic. As a part of your plan, you can drink large amount of fresh vegetables and fruit juices along with purified water. For weight loss plans, certain issues should be kept in mind. For the breakfast, one can eat as much melon as you can. The different types of melons can be Cantaloupe, Watermelon, or Honeydew and all of them are good for health.

A lunch should comprise of only grapefruit, oranges, or plums. At around 4 pm drink at least 12 oz. of freshly prepared carrot juice. For the evening dinner during detox diet, eat only grapes, bananas, apples, or pears and that too one fruit at one time only. During cleansing diets for weight loss session, do only light physical work and conserve energy. There are possibilities that you may experience headaches, mental irritability, tiredness, or listlessness but these reactions will not last long. Include lots of rest and sleep in your detox diet plan. Short detox diets work well when quick weight loss is required. A master cleanse diet plans means intake of tea which includes tea leaves, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup. This mixture should be taken for at least 10 days as it is high in vitamins and minerals.

This tea mixture also helps to cleanse excess waste from your colon. A combination of colon cleansing and low calories will help you lose at least 10 to 15 pounds within a week. The Acai berry diet which is also called superfood, has many antioxidants. When this diet is combined with daily exercise, it increases metabolism and drops body weight. Some variants of detox diets include only raw food. This means that the person feeds purely on vegetables and fruits. Here also, the main aim is to remove toxins from the body by consuming only natural products. This type of food is also useful for improving complexion and getting rid of colon waste. Some other raw food plans are also there which last for about a month.

Juice fasting is an extreme type of cleansing diet for weight loss. In this diet plan, only vegetable and fruit juices are consumed along with water. This procedure is carried out for about a week. Here also the person will get minerals and vitamins for nourishment. In the green smoothie diet plan, the person is advised to consume green vegetables either in raw or juice form. Vegetables can also be blended and consumed as on blending they keep the fibre content in them. It will be easy to in-take, and excess waste will be flushed out retaining the nutritious part of the vegetables.

We have tested hundreds of weight loss programs & methods and isolated a simple, fast and safe way to lose 10lbs in 7 days or less. To discover this FREE and quick solution download our complimentary "Lose 10lbs in 7 days or less" report here:

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Diet Program For Weight Loss

Why is losing weight so difficult? In spite of a simple logical equation in place that states that if you consume more calories than you burn it will result in weight gain. Similarly if you burn more calories than you consume you will automatically lose weight. Why is it that some of us after going through serious of weight loss diets still don't manage to lose weight.

Sometimes our intake of food with high sugar, salt or the fat content is higher probably because they tend to satisfy us more easily than other foods. Besides, these foods are also addictive, the more we have it the more we want it. All this leads to weight gain. These extra kilograms soon start to bother and people start finding their own pet solutions to get rid of them. Over a period of trial & error the people gives that up too and finally start searching for the most effective and healthy weight loss plan which makes them lose weight and keep it off.

Mostly everyone knows what is healthy and what is not. The biggest challenge, and often the culprit to any weight problem, is identifying what works best for them. People find it difficult to get on a diet program because they think the food will be tasteless and consist of options that they won't enjoy eating. Fortunately, there are diet plans available that are tasty, healthy and promote weight reduction without starving people. This means no one has to pay someone to starve himself/herself to lose weight!

There is an obvious answer to the above problem. One is consuming an unbalanced diet. Everyone thinks that they are eating healthy but how far is it really true. Eating right is like rocket science and initially you do require professional guidance to help you understand what works best for you. So before you resign to feeling fat and over-weight seek out advice from a nutrition specialist. This will help draft practical guidelines to the general dos and don'ts of eating well.

Now you know what to do and what not to do. The next question is "how to get started and find the right weight loss diet plan?" The first step towards losing weight and getting on a diet plan is to identify a source that understands your daily nutrition requirement based on your lifestyle & food preferences. You must know that no two people have the same body type, metabolic rate or lifestyle and therefore no generic diet plans give the same results.

A good & successful diet plan should be especially created for you and will help you lose weight by bringing a balance to your diet with the right intake of food as per the body requirements.

A good weight loss diet plan understands this individual difference and therefore creates diet plans that focus on your eating patterns, routines and habits. The focus of the Weight loss plan is to ensure that you get enough food to eat to maintain your adequate nutrition intake that is required for the body to function correctly.

I am a nutrition and fitness enthusiast. I write about weight loss diet and fitness. I want people to have better and correct knowledge about efficient and effective weight loss methods.

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Weight Loss - Daily Easy DIY Healthy DIET

Lots of people around the world are suffering from obesity who wants to lose those extra pounds around their waists but don't know how to start. There are lots of weight loss regimens that you can actually do and one of them is the personalized program for losing weight. This do-it-yourself weight loss regimen can be done at the convenience and comfort of your home.

Too much eating is the usual cause of gaining weight, so in order for you to lose weight your diet should be modified. The best thing for you to do is to turn to healthy diet or organic diet if you really want to win your weight loss battle. Many people are nowadays aware about the essence of having a healthy and fit body.

Having a healthy diet is among the best things you should do in order to achieve weight loss. Starting your own DIY healthy diet is simple as most of the ingredients are readily available for you.

Diet menus are composed of everything you should and can eat. Experts in the field of health agree that people who are on a weight loss battle should avoid eating oil and calories rich foods, crash diet and fad diet as well as they can do more damage than good benefits to the individual undertaking the diet plan.

Through this do-it-yourself healthy diet plan, you can cut your carbohydrates intake by only taking healthier ones and in smaller amounts. Here is how you can achieve this:
  • Select whole grains as they are very important nutrients' source and help check the blood sugar level and appetite keeping them in steady pace.

  • Balancing the bad carbohydrates through eating refined foods such as white bread in combination with foods rich in healthy fat or protein.
Eating foods in high-volume that are also rich in fiber and water content but with low calories content is also important in weight loss. Soups that are based on broth and salads are the healthy diet that you should consume. Vegetables and fruits that are composed of almost water, air-filled foods like crackers and cheese, nut mix and dried fruits, fresh fruits such as grapes and strawberries, rice or frozen veggies are all important in weight loss.

These organic diet plans are very important thing to consider if you want to win the battle on weight loss. You should also have motivation and confidence by having positive reinforcements to achieve your goal of losing weight.

If you are really want to achieve a better result in weight loss, I would like to suggest you get my secret FREE ebook "20 Secrets To Dieting Success". This powerful tool will provide you with everything you need to know to be a success and achieve your goal of finally losing the extra weight. Get instant excess:

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Cardio and Weight Loss

Cardio is a great ally in the difficult task of weight loss. If somebody wants to lose weight, he or she probably has a weight which is above the recommended healthy level. And being overweight is not healthy at all. Being overweight can cause many problems and one of those problems is heart related problems.

Similarly, being under the recommended healthy weight is not good for you. If you stay in any of these dangerous weight zones for too long, many problems may occur. This is because we have to maintain our weight between the normal values as well as practicing physical exercises to keep our bodies functioning and healthy.

Excessive body weight can cause heart problems. Like a car needs its engine, we need our heart. With this in mind, we therefore need to protect our heart and avoid unhealthy habits that may affect our health. Additionally, physical exercise will maintain our health as well as our heart.

We can even find some of the best cardio for weight loss in order to reduce our weight in a healthy way on the internet and by practicing cardio exercises we will be helping our heart and our body.

There are some of the best cardio exercises for losing weight:

Swimming: swimming is a very good cardio exercise in order to lose weight and to keep you healthy. Swimming allows you to exercise your entire body and it is an excellent way to lose weight. Swimming is among the best cardio for weight loss. Additionally, this type of physical exercise doesn't cause any injury relating bones or joints, because you will be exercising in the water with reduced resistance.

Running: You don't need any kind of special equipment for this exercise, however you will need a good pair of trainers in order to prevent any kind of damage to your bones or joints. Also, you will need comfortable clothes so you can move without any problem. Running will help you losing weight by burning calories, though of course you can't run only five or ten minutes - you will have to run around half an hour each time. A good tip is to listen to music or run with someone else as this will help you keep motivated to run further even if you are tired.

Cycling: By cycling at least thirty minutes a day you will improve your endurance and lose weight. Cycling is a very simple activity and an effective exercise to lose weight. Additionally, you can practice this exercise by going to work or school by bicycle. You just have to be creative and find the best way to incorporate your best cardio for weight loss exercises in your day to day activities.

These are only three of the best cardio for weight loss exercises that you can undertake in order to be healthier, to lose weight and to improve your physical skills such as endurance and strength.

Next, to find out how to lose weight the easy, fast and safe way download my proprietary "Lose 10 lbs in 7 days" method here now:
After testing hundreds of methods, this FREE report is full of quick and easy weight loss programs solutions for any age, size or gender. Download it now and star losing weight today!

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Psychology for Weight Loss

Apparently, it all starts in the mind. First the decision to start losing weight, most often when a person begins to feel bad in your body. Then we needed a constant motivation to lose weight is not to give up too easily in situations where the calorie restriction and exercise begin to tire. Many people unfortunately forget the psychological aspect of the weight loss. And it is undoubtedly important, if not decisive.

Reducing diet and psychological

More and more people are not coping with the weight loss, going on a visit to a dietitian's for advice. Is also a good idea to visit a psychological study. The psychologist will provide valuable advice on motivation and help in finding errors (eg. Inappropriate attitude to diet) ruin our resolve to lose weight. Each person is different and requires an individual observation and approach. However, it is worth paying the following advice. Often they are much more efficient than the best preparations for slimming, bought at a pharmacy.
Ways to lose weight - advice psychologist

Step 1
It is important to realise that overweight and obesity is the most common problem is not just with the consumption of excessive amounts of food or lack of physical activity. Perhaps the food is seen as a way to recover from stress and to get rid of fears and sorrows. You eat too big portions? They are too greasy and sweet? Ask yourself why this happens and under what circumstances. Is the food is not the way to boredom or fatigue? How to nourish your immediate family? You can duplicate their unhealthy eating habits? The answers to these questions, you can search and his psychologist.

Step 2
We'll work on self-esteem and self-confidence. It should not be dependent on the number of kilogrammes of weight. Do not be deceived, after dropping 20 kg your life will be different. It may look different, even today, if we can work on attitude to itself. Focus on the parts of the body, of which you are happy. Rather than agonise over what is your legs are thick and pendulous belly, try to imagine how they might look like when you start to eat a healthy diet and exercise.

Step 3
Be compassionate to yourself. Do not place too high expectations, because they will reflect negatively on your health and on the motivation for losing weight. Small steps are most effective. Plan your reward when you reach your first goal, such as loss of 2 kg.

Step 4
Find a support group for weight loss. With the same objective, you will motivate each other.
To successfully lose weight are required not only changes in diet and physical activity, but also in the attitude towards the process of weight loss. Healthy and easily digestible diet and workout are important. However, the right attitude is the key element.

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Carbohydrates And Weight Loss - Do They Fit?

It seems like many people who want to lose weight are very confused from reading the conflicting comments about carbohydrates when it comes to weight loss. Therefore, I hope to clear up all the misunderstandings regarding this topic via this article.

Firstly, although I am not a fervent supporter of extremely low carbohydrates diet such as the Atkins diet, I still have faith that one of the reasons people are not able to lose weight effectively is due to over-eating of processed and refined carbohydrates like white bread as well as pasta. Regardless of the intensity levels of your exercising, losing weight will prove to be very difficult if you over-eat such processed carbohydrates. Also, over-eating will increase the amount of calories taken in, resulting in higher probability of you getting into a calorie surplus, which is extremely detrimental for your weight loss goals!

Even among the carbohydrates which most people strong believe are nutritious foods are actually calories which do not contain any significant nutrients worth mentioning! Many such foods, especially breads, may claim that they are made from 'whole grain' and are not refined carbohydrates. Unfortunately, if you were to take a closer look at the ingredients label for such foods, you will notice that the main ingredient used is refined flour! It will increase the levels of blood sugar in your body, causing an insulin spike, which is directly opposite of what we are trying to achieve when losing weight.

My opinion is that for people out there who are still searching for solutions to a great diet try to follow the following tips.

Firstly, since you are used to consuming huge quantities of carbohydrates, you can try replacing them with foods or snacks like nuts and avocados! Organic eggs and grass-fed meats are also fantastic alternatives. These foods will help to keep your calorie intake in control.

Next, you should attempt to consume most of your daily carbohydrates from sweet potatoes and vegetables instead of foods like bread, rice or pasta.

If you must choose to consume grains, then make sure to eat the healthiest part of the grain, and choose to eat rice bran and wheat germ instead!

You have to understand that everybody's body type is different, and will thus react differently to nutrients such as carbohydrates. Some people with naturally high metabolism will be able to take in more carbohydrates without gaining weight, while someone with a much slower metabolism should cut down their consumption of carbohydrates.

If losing weight quickly is your ultimate goal, then be sure to check out Alvin's customized fat loss review, a review of an internationally best selling dieting program!
Additionally, do download Alvin's free weight loss eBook!

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Weight Loss Strategies

A lot of people have spent years struggling with their weight. They have tried many means of losing weight from fad diets to workout DVDs but for some people none of these things work. There are two prominent ways of addressing one's weight. One is through the diet and being sure to consume low calorie meals while still maintaining adequate nutrition and the other is through exercise. Exercise may be the trickiest for a lot of people because it can seem very complicated and intimidating.

The truth is exercise can be complicated especially if you have very specific goals. If you are very overweight and you simply want to lose 50 to 100 pounds or so then simply walking for a few miles every day for a year or so can get you there. But, if you really want to lose a lot of weight fast and you want a very lean looking figure or even a six pack you want a much more intense and highly specialized kind of workout routine. There are a number of products that can provide this kind of routine but it can be hard to discern which will work for you. Some people have success with workout DVDs while others do not.

Personal training has been a timeless strategy of getting good fitness instruction. Personal trainers that you find in the gym are for the most part highly certified. Some are more qualified than others but they all have essentially the same knowledge base.

 There is however a problem with personal training that causes many people to know resort to it. It can get to be relatively expensive. It can actually run you several thousand dollars in a very short period of time. Even at a low hourly rate, you could spend over $1,000 in just one month even if you work out only three times per week. With figures that like it's easy to see how personal training can exceed most budgets. I've heard of some people only working out with a trainer once per week which is really ridiculous because there really isn't much you can get out of working with a trainer so little.

There is another option for people who are on a budget and can't really afford a personal trainer. That is online personal training. There really is no better way to get instruction from a certified personal trainer than with online personal training. With online personal training, you get a certified trainer like the one that would have cost you thousands of dollars at the gym. This online fitness instructor designs workouts that you complete daily.

 A good online personal training system and a good online fitness instructor will give you a new workout every time otherwise it isn't truly customized. If an online personal training system makes or provides all of your workouts in advanced they are not tailoring the workouts to you which makes them less effective.

 You'll need to find an online fitness instructor who will make new workouts for you every time you work out which maximizes the likelihood you will reach your goals. A good online fitness instructor will also make themselves available to you if you have a question about your workout or about fitness in general.

There are many methods for losing weight. Diet is very important but so is exercise. It is important to focus on both but many people find exercise confusing and need guidance. Personal training can be a great option for some but online personal training may be a much better one for others. Not every online fitness instructor is as good as others. You need to choose one that will work hard for you. A not so decent online fitness instructor may not work as hard for you as they need to.

 I have heard of customers complaining about services where the trainer will ignore them. If this happens to you that is a red flag that you may need to switch services or at least trainers. The most effective systems and trainers give you enough attention.

Abstract Health, LLC is dedicated to making fitness easy and affordable for today's fast paced world!
online personal training
How To Lose Weight Fast

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How To Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life

Did you know that how you live, day to day, determines the level of strength and muscularity you'll achieve?
It's true, if you have a lifestyle that supports fat loss, muscle gain, and strength increase, those things will occur naturally.

It's when you expect one thing and do something totally opposite trying to get it that it becomes a problem.
If you drop a rock from a tall building, it's going to fall to the ground, whether you like it or not. It just happens.

If you train heavy, consistent, intensely, and support yourself nutritionally, you will get stronger and more muscular.

It happens. Certain steps lead to certain destinations.

But doing things repeatedly that do not support your goals will ensure you do not reach them.
For example, you want to gain lean muscle and increase your strength, but you consistently fail to eat the right types of food, at the right times , or the right amounts.

Or you want to shed some body fat yet you continue to take days off from cardio because you're not motivated enough to do it.

If you want to skyrocket your strength, if you continue doing light weight and high reps, how is that ever going to get you there?

If your lifestyle is not supportive of gaining muscle and strength, then it really doesn't matter what you do in the gym, your results will be limited.
So what's the key?

Replace those things that will hinder or sabotage muscle growth with newer, more productive habits that continually support muscle growth and strength.
Here's an example.

It's the new year and you decide one of your resolutions is to gain muscle, specifically 5 pounds of lean muscle in the next month.

You give up your old, unproductive habit of just hanging out at the gym after a workout, not eating or drinking a post workout meal.

Instead, now you have a protein and carb drink ready to shake and slam after the workout.
You changed a very minor thing but it will make a huge difference in your gains.

Say that you want to lose 10 pounds of body fat to see your abs, but for dinner each night you continue to eat pizza or cheeseburgers and fries.

A couple months later, after doing all those crunches, you still do not see your abs so you figure it probably just wasn't meant to be.

A new, improved lifestyle change could involve eating a salad and chicken breast instead of your burger and fries a couple nights a week.

So, as plain as day, how you decide to live your life each day impacts what you will achieve in terms of muscularity and strength.

The key is to make small, improved lifestyle changes that

support fat loss and muscle gain, and continue them until they become habit.

Then move on to another small change that benefits your goals, replacing an older, less productive one.

By changing habits in moderation, you do not overwhelm yourself with a sense of displeasure from restrictive eating or too much training.

In fact, by making your lifestyle changes in moderation, you increase the likelihood that these changes will be long lasting and permanent.

Just start replacing old, nonproductive habits with newer, more supportive ones that contribute to muscle and strength gain and soon your concerns with your physique will be a thing of the past.

There are some times in the gym, while I'm working out, that some younger guy will approach me and ask me how I'm able to lift some of the weights I use.

They expect me to tell them that I'm able to straight bar curl 150 pounds or bench press 375 because of some supplement I take.

They often look at me dumbfounded as I tell them that one of the biggest reasons for my strength gains are because I've been lifting for a while and have just grown accustomed to handling heavier weights.
It's no secret that the longer you do something, usually the better you get.

This holds true with lifting as well. The longer you are able to keep lifting heavy and intensely, you are going to get stronger and more muscular as a result.

So, the reason why there are many bodybuilders stronger than a lot of people is that they've just been doing it longer than most and the experience has been one of increased strength.

So, the key to becoming stronger and more muscular lies in your ability to keep at it, keep training, and make sure your daily habits support your goals of building muscle, losing fat, or gaining strength.

Shawn Lebrun in a personal trainer and natural bodybuilder. Check out Shawn Lebrun Fitness to learn how to build lean muscle, lose fat, and get the body you've always wanted.

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Losing Weight for Health

In this article we will provide you with some weight-loss tips that you need in order to be successful in your quest to lose weight, and to have the body that you need in order to look and feel the way that will make you happy, healthy and to have that feeling of knowing that you look great. Many people have tried and failed to lose the weight that would have caused a major change in their life, not only to look good but for health reason also.

You wake up one day or make a new year's resolution that this is going to be the year that I lose the weight and to get in the best shape of your life, or to lose a few pounds to fit into a dress or suite for that special occasion that's coming up in a few months.

Most people know what it takes to lose weight. They know where the nearest gym, they have a tread mill sitting in their house not being used. The only thing that is missing is the will to get started and to stick with it. With these weight-loss tips I hope to provide you with some useful information that you can use to keep you motivated to lose the weight that you want. weight-lost-tips will help you with the things that you need in order to get into the best shap of your life. Your life depends on your ability to lose weight in order to live a healthy life style.

Learn more @
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How to Get in Better Shape - Develop Connectedness

When we learn how to get in better shape we mostly focus on the physical aspects of wellness. In addition to our physical shape, it is important to address other significant dimensions such as an emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual and occupational well being. Developing a connectedness to you, your surroundings, and others will not only help you feel love and supported, it will also do the same for others around you.

Here are some ways to create a sense of connectedness.

Solid Relationships with Friends and Family - The stronger your relationships are, the more beneficial they are to your health. People with strong solid relationships with friends and family live longer and have fewer health risks than people who live an isolated life.

Connect with nature. Taking a walk and enjoying the sights and sounds of nature rejuvenates you both mentally and physically. A walk in the woods, along the ocean, or near a lake has a calming effect and keeps you grounded.

Write a letter. Writing a letter is a personal thing you can do to express your feeling when words are hard to come by. It will show the recipient that you took the time to care.

Meet with a Group. Find a group or start your own group that will give you the opportunity to talk about things you enjoy. This will give you a chance to talk about your interest and experience it with others. Scheduled meetings give you something positive to look forward.

Adopt a pet. Pets provide unconditional love. They help reduce stress and make us feel needed.
As you learn how to get in better shape physically, do not underestimate the power of connectedness and its importance to your well being.

Joy Swearingen writes articles on a variety of subjects and just launched a new health/fitness site on how to get in better shape [].

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Fitness Workouts Get You In Shape, Training Gets You Fit

When you think of fitness workouts, what comes to mind? Well, when I think of the phrase "fitness workouts," all I can think about are the Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons workout videos of the 80's. I also see the Billy Blanks' and Denis Austin's of the world, and although these giants have contributed mightily to the world of fitness, I don't believe anyone is truly "fit" after going through one of their programs. Think about it, can they drop down and give you 100 pushups? How about 10 pull ups? How many bodyweight squats can they crank out before they fold like an accordion? Here's the biggest test, how hard and how long can they play their favorite sport before giving up?

Fitness workouts get you in shape, help you shed excess fat and increase your endurance - no doubt about that. In essence, they do exactly what these experts claim they were meant to do and I'm all for it. The challenge is not that what they're teaching is wrong, its that they aren't taking you to another level of fitness. It's my personal belief that we "train" our bodies to be able to play hard in activities we like to participate in. Some people work out to be in shape - period. I don't understand the logic in that at all. If you're not using your body to go outside and have fun, what's the point of putting yourself through all the work needed to get you to look and feel invincible?

Being able to hike for miles, because you like to hike, is what you should be able to when you've trained your body the right way. When you've trained your body correctly, you can play any sport you want to and be effective at any and all of them. I didn't say you'd be good at all of them. In fact, you'll probably be lousy in most of them, but the main point is that you'd be effective enough to be able to play. When I say effective, I mean you're level of conditioning will be such that you will be able to play, simply because you've trained your body in such a way that you can handle whatever any one throws at you.

If all I did everyday was a workout video that just taught aerobics or cardio, could I play two-hand touch football? "Touch" football sounds like it's a "lite" version of regular football, doesn't it? Truth be told it is, but it isn't "soft" by any stretch of the imagination. There is a ton of physical contact and it can get intense; and if all you have is endurance, based on all the hours of cardio you put in, you aren't going to last too long before someone wipes you out with a good solid blow. You're going to need some strength training as well to balance out your cardio.

How about basketball? Can you play all day if you wanted to if all you ever did was aerobics? You could, but you'd be the weak link on your team. Basketball requires endurance, strength and flexibility to be able to play it for any length of time. You think you won't roll your ankle at some point during play either? Of course you will, it happens to everyone who plays at some point. Those who are fit and have trained properly will be back on the court in a few days, while the others who haven't - won't be back for at least 2 weeks... maybe more.

In the end, it all goes back to the result you were aiming for. If you want to look and feel better, than those kind of workouts are perfect for you. If you want to look and feel great AND want to be able to play your sport or activity at a high level, you're going to have to do a little bit more to do so. Think about Kayaking, doesn't bring to mind someone who has brute strength does it? Well, what if you're kayaking down a river, and it gets a little too intense, Before you know it, your kayak flips and you're stuck on a rock under the water - what happens now? I'm sure there is a technique to getting you out of that situation that doesn't require much force, but when it comes to survival - don't you want to be able to muscle your way back to the surface if need be?

I know I would, and I think most people would as well. I don't believe those fitness workouts are wrong; in fact, I think they're a great first step in getting your yourself fit and ready to play. If you want to be really good at "playing," I just believe you're going to need another level of fitness to get you there. A great workout program is going to provide with all the real world necessities needed to overcome most challenges - strength, flexibility, endurance and ability to heal quickly. When you have all these working for you, you'll be able to dominate your field of play, just from a conditioning standpoint.

Take the time to figure out what you really want out of your life, your body and your fitness program. Fitness workouts may be all that you want to do, and that's fine - to each his/her own. I just know that most people have a competitive fire raging in them and if they can be more - they will. If that's you, look beyond and find yourself a program that's going to get you there.

To learn more about how you can create or regain health and fitness, without resorting to extreme workouts or diets, download your copy of my FREE Report, "The WHOLE truth About Health & Fitness" at []
Click here to discover the WHOLE Truth []

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How to Stay in Good Shape - 10 Tips to Help You Maintain A Healthy Body

One of the most common problems today is learning how to stay in good shape. Weight problems, specifically obesity and being overweight are among the top concerns today, not only for women but for men as well. With the increasing risks of obesity and weight problems to one's health, it is indeed important to find solutions as early as possible.

If you want to learn how to stay in good shape, even as you age, here are 10 tips to help you with it.

1. Jot down your goals. Write your goals and how you can achieve your goal. Writing them down can help remind yourself of what you need to do for the day. Make sure you set realistic goals and not something that will just make you frustrated in the end.

2. Find your motivation to keep yourself in shape. You need a lot of discipline in keeping your good shape and a good motivation can also help you with that.

3. Drink plenty of water. Hydrating yourself makes your body function well, so take plenty of water everyday to keep in shape.

4. Commit to exercising 30 minutes each day. Exercise is one of the best things that you can do on how to stay in good shape. If you are envious why others are always in good shape, then you can also start by exercising.

5. Learn to manage stress in life. Stress is a major factor that can take a toll on your health and you weight, so make sure that you know a few techniques on how to manage stress as well.

6. Know how to handle life's disappointments and frustrations. Most of the time, people turn to food when coping up with problems in life and this may not be the good route towards keeping in shape. Once you have gained a lot of weight, it can be difficult to return back to your normal weight.

7. Find new interests and passion that allow you to move your body. Especially if you are living a sedentary life, try to look for something that can allow you to exercise and move your body regularly. Go swimming, do regular walking or spent some time enjoying a good sport. Go to the gym or join a fitness boot camp.

8. Watch what you eat. Go for the healthy choices of foods and eat a variety of vegetables and fruits each day. Cut down on fast foods and processed foods. This will not only help you stay in shape but it can also help you stay healthy as well.

9. Cut down on alcohol and stop smoking. These two are among the culprits of bad health and if you want to keep in good shape always and you want to look younger as well, then you have to get rid of these habits.
10. Have a good rest. Learning how to stay in good shape is not just about what you eat and what exercises you do. Also make sure that you give your self a good time to rest and sleep to allow your body to repair naturally.

If you are looking for ways on how you can get the body you have always wanted, check out Bodyweight Exercise Revolution. Also check out Warp Speed Fat Loss, where you can find tips and techniques on how to increase your metabolism and lose fat fast.

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Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan

Fast weight loss diet plan is what many look for to lose weight immediately. However, we all know that there is no shortcut to lasting success; similarly a progressive weight loss program will involve disciplined eating habits, regular exercise and a commitment to lose weight and look good. The fast weight loss diet plan is often a short-cut and the results are usually short-lived, as there is a chance of putting on weight. Many people go for crash diet or starvation diet that only leads to serious health hazards.

You can best achieve weight loss in the long term and not just by aiming to get it done within a week or so. If you follow the correct guidelines, you can have a speedy weight loss. Some people think that following guidelines is very difficult; hence, they give up their dreams to lose weight. You must remember the following things you need to avoid: Junk food such as doughnuts and pizzas contain high amount of calories and fats that are not at all good for people who are keen about weight loss. Many of us have a habit of eating snacks and junk foods during meals, this is an unhealthy way of eating and one of the main reasons to be overweight. Even when you eat meals, do not take big portions but go for 6 small meal portions in a day. Make sure that you eat lots of fruits, vegetables that are rich in fiber and protein.

Without exercising nobody can accomplish proper weight loss. Exercise involves cardio vascular exercises and weight lifting exercises. Cardio vascular exercises such as jogging, running, and brisk walking, cycling, swimming, etc will increase the metabolism and thereby bring about burning of fats and calories. Throughout the day our muscles burn calories. So, if we do weight lifting exercises to build our muscle, more calories are burnt at a faster rate. You can do these exercises at a gym that has good state of the art fitness equipments. In eagerness or frustration to lose weight quickly, many people also resort to diet pills, weight loss pills and adrenal fatigue supplements, etc.

However, it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking weight loss pills or vitamin supplements.  It can so happen that when you stop eating the diet pills, you can again start to put on weight. This means over a period of time you will be habituated to eating these tablets and supplements. Though some diet programs like south beach diet, zone diet and mayo clinic diet plans are good, you should avoid starvation oriented diets like cabbage soup diet and lemonade diet.

Such kinds of dietary programs and media-exaggerated 'crash' diet programs on how to lose weight fast can really send you crashing! Water is one of the things that influence the metabolic activity of the body. The more water you consume, the faster is the metabolism. Hence, you can burn fats and calories by simply increasing the amount of water you drink. It is advisable to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day. You should not drink water for nearly 2 hours after having meals. Do not miss the chance of drinking water in the morning on empty stomach. It is widely known that smoking and alcohol drinking are unhealthy habits. Without quitting them, you will not be able to lose weight effectively.

There is no pain without gain. Even though the above mentioned guidelines may appear to be a slow process, if you follow it religiously it can be 'the fast weight loss diet' plan.

We know short term methods to achieve weight loss is untrustworthy. Visit, a trustworthy website to get valuable information on losing weight.

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A 1200 Calories Weight Loss Diet

A Diet regimen that involves the consumption of 1200 well placed calories per day is the recommended way to lose weight, enjoy the program and stay healthy all at the same time. This is because 1200 calories is usually the normal value that is recommended for most if not all people while still allowing you to shed a considerable amount of weight. A lot and I mean a LOT of diet programs out there, are mainly based on the principle key of decreasing the daily caloric intake to 1200.

The 1200 diet program offers a lot of alternate options to select from. Setting aside the flexible approach to the target weight loss, the 1200 diet regime also encourages people to exercise making it more feasible to achieve fat loss compared to other diet programs that don't require such activities. The quality of food management, including preparation and consumption during the program would ultimately determine its overall impact on the person. As opposed to other programmed workouts and diet routines, the 1200 fat loss diet does not guarantee a drastic decrease in weight. Individuals are expected to get rid of at least 2.5 kilos per week, provided you religiously adhere to dietary requirements that this particular program dictates.

The 1200 diet program has proven itself to be an effective way to lose weight over the years, but due to the low carbohydrate consumption that this diet stipulates, certain side effects may appear and some of them can be dangerous to some people. Therefore your vigilance is required to help monitor your current health status whilst being enrolled in this program. One of the most typical problems of a low fat-low carbohydrate approach is an overall lack of energy. During some phases of this program the dieter can suffer a form of dietary insufficiency due to the limited amount of calories that they are forced to restrict.

The most typical and common symptom of this insufficiency is an insatiable craving for food. As a result a lot of people have rebound binge eating episodes that not only undo their progress but they also can cause you to stop dieting altogether. Some people complain of weakness, tremors and in some cases even syncope or fainting. The 1200 diet regimen also puts people at risk for a more serious side effect called ketoacidosis.

Again, this particular diet program is based on the concepts of calorie reduction through effective food management. If the rate between calories that you are expending is greater than the amount that an individual is actually consuming, then this will likely result in weight loss in 101% of the time. There are no specific meal items recommended in this plan however people are likely to experience more profound results if they select what they eat based on their diet programs. Think fresh produce and whole wheat carbs and you'll get the idea.

Protein is also an indispensable item in this program so be sure to get enough of that good stuff. A low fat-low carb eating habit also has the ability to efficiently stimulate a person's metabolic rate. The usage of these unwanted calories from certain food groups in general activates the release of the Insulin hormone which is the responsible agent for the control of carbohydrate absorption in the muscle and fat storage in our bodies. In a low fat low carb approach like the 1200 calorie diet you don't only get to lose weight the right way, but you also get to keep it that way for life!

Basma Jalloul offers a lot more other advises concerning heath, aging, body building and more in her website. She also encourages a healthy way of life by offering a selection of top notch product in her weight loss and health oriented website.

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How to Choose the Right Weight Loss Diet Program

A top weight loss program is what everyone wants to find; however finding the right weight loss program is not an easy task. Whilst we can find an effective weight loss program easily, this doesn't means that this weight loss program is healthy. Of course motivation, effort and dedication will have an important role in your objective of losing weight and you will need to keep this in mind when you are undertaking a diet plan or exercise regime.

You may find a really great program, but it will not result in you losing any weight if you are not motivated, no matter how good the program is. If you are not motivated to lose weight you simply won't achieve good results. To lose weight successfully, first you have to be in the right frame of mind for such an hard task. Never forget that all your efforts will be compensated when you see the amazing results coming!

Of course motivation, effort and dedication will have an important role in your objective of burning fat and you will need to keep these words in your mind when you are working hard, but equally as important is having a top weight loss programs which will also have a pinnacle role in helping you to lose some weight.
Finding the right program for you can be an exhaustive task, but you can use the power of the internet to your own benefit. You can search for the top diet programs on the internet without leaving your home.

However some support is required in order to protect your health and to provide you the best solutions and results during your journey to a healthier you.

Here are 4 tips on how to find the right support from all that top weight loss programs around...
First: When the matter is losing weight, you will need to pay attention to your health. It is vital that if you need to lose weight, you carry out any diet regimes in a healthy way. A nutritionist can help you with that task by guiding you.

Second: When you are looking for a fat burning program you will need to see if the program can be adapted to your needs and lifestyle. Everyone is different; genetics, biotype, metabolic problems can also be the cause to excessive weight. So, a consultation with your doctor is always important. And on most occasions it is recommended that you ignore all weight loss programs that suggest that you stop eating altogether.

Third: Many people think that to lose weight they need to stop eating. This is certainly the wrong way to go about things. There are many factors that can lead to someone becoming overweight and if you stop eating this will just lead to health problems and, most likely, no loss of body mass

Fourth: You need to find the ideal weight loss program for you. Find the correct plan with exercises and tips to suit your body type, personality, tastes and lifestyle. This is the only way you will be able to stick to a plan
Motivation, determination, effort, hard work and a high quality weight loss program will help you lose weight in a healthy way.

Next, to find out how to lose weight the easy, fast and safe way download my proprietary "Lose 10 lbs in 7 days" method here now:
After testing hundreds of methods, this FREE report is full of quick and easy weight loss programs solutions for any age, size or gender. Download it now and star losing weight today!

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Lemonade Weight Loss Diet Review

Diet supplement pills can be a very useful and helpful method of unclogging digestive system, as well as lose weight, since our body cleans itself from unnecessary load, and finally boost our immune system detoxifying our body. Doctors and nutrition experts usually suggest choosing the pills that are made by natural products as these seem to have none or at least less side effects and help the body get into a cleaning rhythm in a more natural way. The Lemonade Diet Supplement Pills are one of the most known and popular weight loss methods used today.

1. The Lemonade Diet Exposed.
What is the Lemonade Diet pills? They are a smart blend of ingredients such as lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper which are combined for the first time. We have known for some time that these ingredients boost our metabolism and help us lose weight. But so far, no one had ever combined them in such an effective way.

The supplement helps you lose up to 17 pounds within 14 days. It may sound a scam to you, but in fact it's not. The philosophy behind this diet is body detox combined with increased metabolic rate that help you burn calories fast and lose weight even faster.

2. Lemonade Diet Advantages.
It was inevitable thus, that these ingredients would be combined to increase their effectiveness and multiply the benefits for the user. Upon its release this supplement has been a very important factor in every fat loss diet; some people eat foods rich in fibre and many vegetables, but they don't really succeed in achieving a natural boost of their metabolism. Here is where the Lemonade Diet comes in.

3. Safe Weight Loss Supplements.
After taking the supplement for some time people notice increased energy. This is really important, because they have the chance to get some more exercise and help themselves commit to a healthier diet and lifestyle in general. Lemonade Diet ensures curbed appetite, fast weight loss, cleaning and purification, and increased energy, helping you have a feeling of well being. This is the main goal of every safe weight loss system anyway.

Is Lemonade Diet a scam? Visit to read a FREE report and find out the truth about this Lemonade Weight Loss Diet!

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Diet for Effective Weight Loss

Many people who are trying to lose weight are at loss as to the kind of weight loss diets and pills to settle on, given the myriad of them in the market. To attain effective weight loss, low fat diets are generally the best, as they target the energy that your metabolism will burn, resulting in quick, and effective weight loss. Among the diets that can help burn fat and cut weight are the Weight Watcher's diet, the Biggest Loser diet, the Jenny Craig diet, the raw food diet, the Atkins' diet, the Volumetric diet, the Slim Fast diet and the vegan diet, among many more.

According to many experts, most of the diets are effective in fast weight loss, but score poorly in long-term results, which is, invariably, the most important goal. Most of the top rated diets like Weight Watcher's diets also encourage overweight people to continue their eating lifestyles, which could work against their weight control efforts.

Liquid Diets Can Do Wonders
The most effective diet for those who would like to completely lose the extra weight is a liquid diet. This diet replaces one or at most two daily meals with liquids, which are a combination of fruits, vegetables and assorted healthy drinks. Liquid diets are very effective in the short-run. The secret to a liquid diet lies in setting small period dieting goals that you can manage and gradually increasing the duration from, say, a week, to a fortnight, to 3 months and so on.

A liquid diet is very effective in short-term weight loss. However, care should be taken. It favors the breakdown of body water as opposed to fat, which is the real problem behind being overweight. With dedication, the body will soon start the breakdown of the excess fats to provide energy and nutrients. A liquid diet must be combined with dedicated exercise, which makes it one of the most effective weight loss programs.

Keep Your Stamina Up With Fibrous Meals
Dinner meals should be a variety of high-protein, high-fiber or low-fat combinations that are healthy. More spices like thyme, pepper, garlic, cayenne, cumin and rosemary should be used, rather than lean meat and proteins with high sugar, sodium and butter additions.

Stock up on enough apples, carrots, celery and oranges to enable yourself to create up to 8-oz of required juices a day. The best meals to replace are the heavy breakfasts and lunches. Drink one or two glasses of fresh juice in the morning and the same at your lunch break. Water and herbal teas should be drunk as much as possible during the day

Visiting a Dietitian to Find Useful Suggestions
By avoiding the fatty foods, your body also misses the important minerals and vitamins that you need. Add vitamins to your diet and make an appointment with a doctor to ascertain if a liquid diet would be proper for you. A dietitian will monitor your weight loss and recommend nutritious and healthy foods that can replace the significant amounts of minerals and vitamins that are lost with a liquid diet.

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Are Food Additives Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Diet?

Have you ever purchased and eaten products that were advertised to be fat-free with the expectation that you would be able to enjoy food without the worry of gaining any weight, but you gained weight anyway? Or purchased and eaten products that are made by respectable companies with a reputation for being a weight loss company, but that product just doesn't seem to work for you?

You may be happy to know that it may not be you, and unhappy to know that it may just be the additives that are in those foods. The results from different studies will show that some of these additives will cause you to gain weight and not lose it.

1. Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil:
Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil is a semi-solid fat created when food processors force hydrogen into unsaturated fatty acids and thus Trans Fat was created. These are artery clogging fats and studies will show trans fats are the cause of approximately 70,000 heart attacks each year. Many restaurants and fast food chains still use trans fats in their food as well as commercial cookies and other desserts.

2. Aspartame:
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener made by mixing two amino acids with methanol has zero calories. It is most commonly used in diet soda such as Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi and is 180 times sweeter than sugar. It can create neurological symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, memory loss, and epileptic seizures. Because of its sweetness, this is one of those products that can cause you to gain weight and not lose it. Also, some studies have shown that it is linked to cancer.

3. Caramel Coloring:
Caramel coloring is an artificial pigment created by heating sugars and often with ammonia. When the coloring is made with ammonia, it created chemicals that is linked to cancer in mice. Soft drinks, sauces, breads, and pastries are some of the products made with caramel coloring. Since manufacturers are not required to disclose whether their coloring is made with ammonia, it is best to avoid any labels that say caramel coloring. Some foods that contain this additive are colas and stove top stuffing.

4. Saccharin:
An artificial sweetener called saccharin was discovered by accident by a chemist in the late 1800′s. This is another one of the food additives that will sabotage your diet. In 2008, a study found that saccharin that replaced the sugar in rats diets made them gain more weight, not lose weight. Studies also linked saccharin to bladder tumors in the rats.

5. Carrageenan:
Carrageenan is a thickener and emulsifier extracted from seaweed. Although seaweed is good for you, carrageenan is a seaweed byproduct. Studies have shown that it has been linked to cancer, colon trouble, and ulcers. As of now, carrageenan may or may not harm humans, but to be safe, you should avoid it. Some of the products that use carrageenan are Weight Watchers chocolate fudge ice cream bars and Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. Just be sure to read the label and if Carrageenan is listed, it would be best to avoid it.
Hopefully, most of these products will change their ingredients soon, but until they do, it would be best to avoid them, if any of these additives are listed in their products.

Please read on for more information that will help you to lose weight and raise your metabolism with out the worry of these food additives.

Jacki L Syverson, of invites you to read her full review regarding the diet plan for gluten free and low glycemic from the experts on health and nutrition, the Healing Gourmet at

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The Best Weight Loss Diet for Women - Tips That Can Make Your Choice Easier

The best weight loss diet for women is a goal quite a few overweight ladies try to reach. How do you recognize the most effective diet? You might want to consult your doctor before you begin any diet, to be sure you made the right choice, but here are a few tips that will also help you.

You should pick a diet matching your lifestyle, a flexible and easy one. If you have long working hours and you do not have time for cooking or you do not enjoy this activity, go for foods that are simple to prepare or that you can buy in restaurants, so that you never neglect your diet. If your schedule is quite flexible and you enjoy creating a meal, you may want a diet that allows a wider range of foods.

You should also think about the intensity and speed with which you want to lose weight. If you plan to lose more weight, be ready to exercise daily and use more constraining dietary habits. Nevertheless, it is usually good to lose about one to two pounds weekly, so do not attempt to lose excessively in a short period of time. The best weight loss diet for women is based on the principle of slow and steady.

In a healthy diet, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, almonds, nuts, and other good nutrients should have priority. The quality and amount of calories you choose are very important. Depending on how much you weigh and how much you want to lose, there is an ideal number of calories you should consume daily. If you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight.

You should beware of diets with a too low calories limit or that ask you to miss on some food groups, because these diets are a temporary solution. It is better to have all nutrients in the right amounts than miss some of them completely - that is the best weight loss diet for women.

A very important step is to be motivated and persistent. Also, a good thing is to change your eating habits permanently, this way you will know how to maintain a great figure. Eating in a healthy way will not only make you lose the extra pounds, but it will also help you prevent some diseases and have more energy. Hence, the best weight loss diet for women is eating healthy foods in the right proportions.


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Weight Loss - Be Healthy

Weight Loss - Fast and Efficient

About a year ago, I went for my work required, physical examination. As a result, I went to my personal physician for consultation. He convinced me, by jumping up and down and yelling at me for about fifteen minutes that I needed to lose some weight. I finally raised both my hands and stated, "I get the pik-cha."

I asked him how to go about doing that and he told me, by again jumping up and down and yelling at me for another fifteen minutes. I'll tell you what he said a little later.

The Doctor wanted to see me again in three months. By then I had lost forty pounds. He asked me how I did that and I told him, "I did what my doctor told me to do."

He said, "Now the problem will be keeping it off."

I have a dear friend, who I will name "Rotunda." She asked me how I lost the weight and when I told her, she said, "Oh. That wouldn't work for me. A woman's body is different."

I recently found this quote translated into about 6 languages. "Arithmetic doesn't lie." Pertaining to weight loss, it works like this. If a body needs and uses, say, a thousand units of energy daily and takes on a thousand fifty units, it will store the unused energy in the form of FAT and the weight of that body will increase. If the body uses nine hundred fifty units of energy daily, it will tap its FAT reserves and the overall mass of the body will decrease. It's simple arithmetic, and arithmetic doesn't lie.

My friend, Rotunda, chose a cutesy diet based on three meals daily in which she counts the calories, or energy units of each meal. Then, when temptation is "just too overwhelming," she succumbs and pigs out on something. Her weight loss goal is 25 pounds every six months. She is failing to meet her goal, miserably. I'm almost a foot taller than she is and at that rate, I figure that in five years, she'll still out-weigh me. I set up her ring tone on my cell phone as "The Baby Elephant Walk."

Now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being FAT, well, except for the fact that it contributes to heart disease, bone deficiencies, high blood pressure, organ failures and diabetes (type 2), to list just a few of the problems. Other problems include difficulty in walking. A very FAT person's thighs tend to slap together when they walk, so they can't walk very fast, or very far.

Just imagine getting blisters on your inner thighs! When the bones start showing the extra wear and tear, the person starts heaving from side to side as they walk because their knees or hips, or both, ache. Agility becomes a major issue because balancing all that extra energy as they do things like climb stairs, enter a roller coaster seat or TRY to make love, makes things awkward. They just can't jiggle it around effectively. There is also the problem of accessing those hidden body parts when they are buried in a sea of, uh, stored up energy.

Gaining weight is a real pleasure. I love to eat. We all do, but all that pleasure accrues in time and to compensate, that is to say, lose that extra weight it takes the opposite of pleasure. We'll call that, "displeasure." Being hungry is a displeasure. Weight loss requires being hungry. Arithmetic doesn't lie.

What my doctor told me to do, I did. It was very unpleasant and it still is, because I am maintaining the weight. He said to get a height weight chart and figure out how much I should weigh. That research revealed that I was at my ideal weight when I graduated from High School, a long time ago. I am sixty five years old.
He further instructed me to eat breakfast only - a big breakfast. It should be high protein, low or no carbs and low or no sugar. He further instructed me to eat no lunch, no snacks and no dinner. He said when I get home from work and I'm hungry, work out till I break a sweat, every day. He said, "Be hungry!" Get used to it. Make it a life style. Learn to look forward to it. Otherwise you'll be meeting lots of people like me, wearing white lab coats and stethoscopes. It'll be expensive."

After about six weeks of that terrible regimen, I started bringing a lunch to work with me consisting of an apple and one cup (eight ounces) of raw almonds or cashews. I still had no evening meal. The rapidity of my weight loss slowed, but didn't stop. When I achieved target weight, I went back to see him and he said, "Statistically, only about twenty percent of the population has the guts to do what you did."

Now, to maintain my high school weight, I still eat a huge breakfast, a light lunch and these days, a very light dinner. I eat enough that I don't have to be hungry anymore, much. I get on the scale twice each day and keep my weight within one or two pounds of the target. When I get too high over the target, I skip lunch and dinner again, until it's back where it should be. I still pig out now and then, but when I do, I usually have a price to pay in the form of hunger, the next day.

I'm not recommending that others should take my doctor's advice. The diet was severe but effective. Arithmetic doesn't lie. I contest that it takes guts to do this. What it takes is adequate motivation. Mine was elevated sugar. The Doc said if I lose the weight, the problem will go away. I did and it did. If I get more than two pounds over target, the sugar starts to come back. I'd rather be hungry than diabetic. Being thin can be annoying. Now none of my clothes fit.

By Robert G. Makin
Robert G. Makin is the author of Return to Masada, StrathNaver Legends, Faces of Inanna and Aleister Through The Looking Glass. He also does some free lancing and editing.

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New Year, New Diet for Weight Loss?

The new year is just around the corner and without fail, many people make new year resolutions to change things that weren't going right or start on new ventures. When it comes to losing weight, one of these resolutions is often a change in diet. It appears that the "out with the old, in with the new" mentality is at play as weightwatchers look to try new or different diets.

Many hope to find that magic diet which will stick. Of course there isn't one, as whether a diet works or not - let's assume it is a healthy weight loss diet to begin with - depends more on one's discipline to see it through. In fact, eating right is only one of two major components in a weight loss program; the other being regular exercise.

Nevertheless, a proper diet can definitely help a person lose weight naturally. It is all about nutrition and making changes to get rid of unhealthy habits. So, what steps must one take to start eating well and avoid poor diets?

Go On A Balanced Diet
A balanced diet means that you should eat various types of food in the correct proportion, according to the typical food pyramid. This ensures your body gets the necessary nutrients to keep it healthy. Every day, you should aim to eat more of these: grains, vegetables, fruits and protein. And much less fat and sugary foods - moderation and discipline is key here.

If you are new to dieting, speak to a nutritionist first to get an assessment of your needs and other advice. He or she can help you to create healthy eating plans to get you started and tailor them for your specific weight loss goals.

Watch the Food You're Buying
Since the items in a diet need to benefit the body, conscious selection is important. This means being more aware of what you're buying from the stores. While most of us assume certain foods are good for us, many times we can be misinformed by manufacturers who use misleading terms on food labels.

By reading the labels before you buy, you take control of the decision making in what foods to buy. Always check nutritional values and don't be fooled by items labeled as "low fat", for example. Sometimes there are "hidden dangers" such as lots of sugar, salt and calories in a lower-fat product -- the manufacturer chooses just to emphasize the selling point.

When it comes to buying snacks, learn to compare between brands and select those low in saturated fats, salt and other undesirable ingredients. Don't be swayed by TV ads or slick marketing - verify before you buy. Of course, the best bet is to snack on fruits and raw veggies (think salads and smoothies) to get plenty of fiber that can make you feel full, plus lots of vitamins and minerals.

Avoid Crash or Fad Diets
Certain types of diets, such as crash diets, promise that you can shed many pounds in just weeks. While they sound good and appeal to those who are looking for weight loss shortcuts, they simply don't work for the long term. Yes, you might see a drastic drop in weight initially with a crash diet, but you can't keep it off for good.

The other type of diet to watch out for is the fad diet, or so called "flavor of the month" diet. These diets are usually backed by celebrities and weight loss gurus to lend some form of credibility. Unless those involved had really gone through the same dieting starting from an overweight condition, fad diets are just like fashion: here today, gone tomorrow.

Because these kind of diets typically focus on certain food groups to the detriment of others, you end up eating an unbalanced diet. Your body will soon complain and you'd feel sick from various side effects. Poor nutrition can lead to serious medical conditions and your health can suffer as you become more prone to illness.

Eat Right and Lose Weight
Perhaps it's time to stop searching for that perfect diet and make plans for this new year to start eating right for weight loss. By watching what you eat and making conscious food choices that make for a balanced diet, you are treating your body right and setting yourself up to lose weight naturally. You just can beat that.

The right path to losing weight comes down to selecting weight loss methods that work and staying on track for the long term. Many people make the mistake of not having a proper diet and exercise program, thinking there could be weight loss secrets they might chance upon to bring them rapid success. And then they'd fail.
Why not start on a positive note before the year is out? Hop over to for some useful tips and solutions to getting slim. And have one less new year resolution to make this time round.

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The Healthy Weight Loss Diet - Eat Right to Look Right

It seems as if each new day brings a new scientific study pointing towards the benefits of losing extra weight.  Couple this with the social pressure one feels to lose weight and resemble the Hollywood types, and it is not hard to understand why there is so much interest in looking thin.

Health experts generally recommend eating a healthy and balanced diet to lose extra weight.  But what exactly constitutes a healthy weight loss diet? An ideal diet for weight loss should be made up of between 45% to 65% carbohydrates, 10% to 35% protein, and 20% to 35% fat.

When carbohydrates are broken down in the body they take on the form of glucose.  Glucose sugar is the primary source of energy for every activity the body takes on.  Between 45% - 65% of your calories should be derived from carbohydrates.  Virtually all foods contain some amount of carbohydrates, thus the choices available can be staggering.

To lose weight, you should eat more nutrient rich carbohydrate containing foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.  Foods such as colas, fruit drinks, candy, and cookies, which do not contain any significant amount of nutrients should be avoided.  These foods are often described as containing empty calories.

Proteins play an equally vital role in all the body's functions.  Proteins are the single largest contributor to helping our immune system and hormonal systems function.  Additionally, they are the essential building blocks for most of the bodies tissues, such as the skin, muscles, and the internal organs. 

As with carbohydrates, proteins are found in nearly all foods.  However, not all protein sources are created equal.  When attempting to lose weight, you should strive to obtain the majority of your protein from foods like fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, nuts, and lean red meat. The government recommended amount of daily protein intake is equal to roughly .35 g of protein per pound.

Let's not forget about fats. It may surprise you to read that the body requires 20% to 35% of its daily calories from fat. There are different types of fat, however, and you must be careful to strictly limit the types of food that contain fat varieties that pack the pounds.

Foods such as processed meats, butter, lard, cream, whole milk dairy products, ice cream, and many processed grain foods contain what is known as saturated fat.  Saturated fat is especially harmful to the body because it can build up in the arteries and contribute to a number of diseases. It is recommended that a mere 10% of your daily calories come from saturated fats.  Trans-fats are even more harmful.

  Generally derived from foods containing hydrogenated oils (be sure to check the ingredient labels at the store) the current recommendation for intake of trans-fats is zero. To achieve the optimal balance of fat in your diet, include foods such as peanuts, walnuts, almonds, avocado, canola and olive oil, salmon and other fatty fish, and sunflower oils.

If you are struggling with your weight, changing to a healthy weight loss diet is perhaps the most important thing you can do. Not only will you improve your health, but you'll look and feel better too!  Following a few simple guidelines, such as the advice given above, can bring you a long way towards eating right to look right. To get even more weight loss tips to finally achieve your dream body, access your complimentary copy of fat loss secret by clicking the link below.

Looking good and feeling good takes work. But, you can achieve these goals by discovering fat loss secrets of the Hollywood stars. Get your complimentary copy of "7 Secrets to Fat Loss" now at

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Diet And Weight Loss - 4 Tips Towards Success

A growing epidemic is on the rise, and it's disease is obesity and being overweight. This has lead to a surge in the amount of people that look for all kinds of methods to help them lose weight. This also explains why there have been so many fad diets throughout the recent years. These diets tell people what they want to hear, that they will lose those extra pounds of fat. And that they will do so in a manner that's extremely easy and effective. I hate to break it you but in reality the sellers of these diets are just looking for a quick buck, and these "fad diets" do more harm than good.

It's only natural for a person to want to lose fat quickly, but don't forget that you have to do it in a healthy and successful manner. How many have fallen to these quick weight loss schemes, only to regain all of their lost weight back, and sometimes with the bonus of extra additional weight. However, the dieters that have done so with determination and focus in their approach, not only lose weight in a more efficient and healthy manner, but after they have last that weight they are also more likely to stay at that weight. This may sound difficult to some but it can be done. I will be giving you a few tips in regards to diet and weight loss. These tips will help you to lose weight and make sure that you don't gain the lost weight back!

Diet and Weight Loss Tips

Diet and Weight Loss Tip #1 - Before you start with anything, analyze your situation and set a goal for yourself. Plan how much weight you intend to lose and set a deadline for yourself. Be realistic and don't expect to lose like 40lbs within 1 month. The more weight that you want to lose, the longer your deadline should be. And most importantly be specific when you plan your weight loss goals.

Diet and Weight Loss Tip #2 - You have to understand that you won't be seeing results instantaneously, after all Rome wasn't build overnight! Aim to lose a minimum of 1 lbs a week, up to 5lbs depending on how much you weight. The heavier you are the higher your weight loss should be per week. Be realistic as to what you should expect.

Diet and Weight Loss Tip #3 - Enter the arena well motivated and prepared. Ready yourself mentally and emotionally, this will cause you to handle any potential problems that you might encounter. Get rid of any temptations around you such as Junk Food and your favourite snacks (if they are unhealthy that is). This will cause you to start on the right food and increase your chances of success towards your diets and weight loss success.

Diet and Weight Loss Tip #4 - Ask for support from family and friends. You don't have to lose weight all by yourself. See your doctor, talk to your colleagues and friends about it. They will understand why you refused to join the pizza nights in the office or any similar circumstances. Losing weight together with someone else can be more motivational as well and decrease the chances of giving up.

For more articles related to Losing Fat and Diets check out
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