Lose Weight Faster!

Have you been trying to lose that extra five pounds that you put on over the holidays? Maybe you just need to drop one or two more pounds to get back into your favorite jeans. Not everyone who is trying to lose weight has a long way to go. When you only have a few pounds to drop, you want to lose weight faster.
Weight loss is difficult for everyone. There are a number of ways that you can lose weight faster. A lot of discipline and dedication will work towards you seeing results in a short period of time. Here are some tips to help you lose weight faster:
• Healthy eating - a nutritionally balanced diet is essential to any weight loss journey. No matter how much exercise you do, if you're feeding your body the wrong things, it's all or nothing. You should eat 3 small, healthy meals a day. There is no weight loss without a calorie deficit. Track your caloric intake for a week before you start your weight loss plan. This will give you an idea of how many calories you need to cut from your daily diet.

HIIT Cardio Versus Fartlek Training

HIIT cardio is the new craze sweeping across gymnasiums in Europe and North America - the reason for this... it's fast, efficient and it works!
High intensity interval training is something that athletes and runners in particular have been well aware of for a long time now. Fartlek training, translated from Swedish is 'speed play' and this has been a popular method of fitness training for runners for a long time and one method that has been shown to burn more fat than steady paced running. Fartlek training mixes slow paced running with high paced intervals of running, one example that most people who have ever played Football will be familiar with is jogging the length of the pitch, sprinting the width, jogging the length and then sprinting the width again.

Cardio Systems Explained! Part II

The second area where you obtain power while playing or training is through the "Anaerobic" system. The Anaerobic system actually has two different systems functioning with in the main anaerobic system. We are going to discuss the first one, "ATP-PC" system in this post.
So what exactly is the anaerobic system? The anaerobic system is the energy source that supplies your explosive, short term power. The anaerobic system is in high gear during sprints, body checks and quick changes in direction. If you were a car that had a "nitro boost", the ATP-PC System would be the fuel source for your "nitro boost". The ATP-PC system supplies you energy during the first 10 seconds of high intensity movement. Any player will tell you how quick the game can change and how crucial it is to have a well-conditioned ATP-PC system.

The Importance of Cardio Training for Your Health and How Exercise Machines Keep You in Top Shape

Studies carried for decades by organizations focused on cardiovascular health have shown that there is a strong link between a healthy heart and physical activity. However, for people over 30 years of age, especially women, frequenting a gym on a regular basis is not too convenient, as it can eat up a lot of time that must be used for taking care of the kids, work and household chores.
An exercise machine can be a great replacement for going to the gym, and cardio training workouts can be organized at home, instead of a gym. Women that care about cardiovascular fitness can purchase their own cardio equipment and start training at home, in order to stay physically fit.
There are many effective and efficient cardio exercises one can do. In this article, we discuss 3 cardio exercises that will enable you to have effective results.

3 Questions To Ask Before Beginning Cardio Training For Ice Hockey Workouts

An ice hockey player can gain a competitive advantage only if he keeps exercising and training the whole year. If you think you can amaze all the audiences and win games just by exercising in the pre-season, you are greatly mistaken. An ice hockey workout is about putting in a lot of effort - 365 days a year. Be it tough training or easygoing, you need to have regular workout sessions.
When it comes to the off-season practice session for ice hockey, cardio training takes the lead. While on-ice training tends to be costly for athletes, dry-land training is equally beneficial, but essentially at reduced costs. These training methods do not require fancy equipment or expensive machines, but just some basic tools to get the job done. However, irrespective of the cost, players must answer a few questions before initiating any sort of cardio training for the upcoming ice hockey season.

Go Barefoot and Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Go Barefoot and Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Picture this! One evening in early March, you go about the last few minutes before bed planning what you are going to do the next day. You have just pulled off your socks, and barefoot for the first time since the morning, you lay out next to your bed the attire you plan to wear the next day. Some hours later, that alarm on your nightstand goes off and craving those few minutes of extra sleep, you hit the snooze one or two times. Finally after battling with your subconscious, you roll out of bed. You pad over to your sink in your bare feet, and wash up, brush your teeth and proceed to get dressed for the day, putting on that jacket and tie, blouse or dress. The time seems to flash by and you realize that you'd better hit the road.
Forgot Your Shoes?
You rush out the door and while waiting for the bus or train, or waiting to receive a package at the UPS office, you casually glance around. Your eyes are drawn to the shmorgasborg of footwear that is surrounding you. A pair of running sneakers paired with ankle socks. Next to that a pair of worn out scuffed up work boots flanked by a pair of jeans. A lady wearing a pair of elegant high heel boots with stockings making her legs appear as they were dipped in a bottle of indian ink. As you shift your stance, you feel your toes bend and as soon as your heel lands softly but unimpeded on the cool pavement, you realize that something is quite not right, but at the same time, it is so right.

Toenail Fungus Diet - Is Nutrition Important to Fight Nail Fungus?

Toenail fungus is a widespread problem that is remarkably difficult to treat. Even modern medicine, with the millions that are invested annually, has a hard time addressing the issue sufficiently. There are treatments, but they are inconsistent at best. Doctors do know that the condition is a combination of external and internal factors often caused by yeast and fungus overgrowth. This is why newer treatment approaches combine topical solutions with an internal treatment to eliminate the overgrowth of dermatophyte organisms. For those who wish to avoid the alarming side effects of the usual drugs, blending a topical treatment with a toenail fungus diet may be the answer.
Risk of Pharmaceutical Treatments
There are pharmaceutical drugs that can work to treat toenail fungus. However, there are plenty of reasons why using a nail fungus diet along with topical treatments might be preferable. Unlike drugs such as Lamisil, a toenail fungus diet has no adverse side effects. Topical preparations are also extremely safe. Drugs, in contrast, can lead to severe health problems that are worse than nail fungus. One of the most worrisome possibilities is the risk of liver failure. This can lead to life-threatening health problems. In the worse cases, death has been known to happen as a result of treating toenail fungus this way.

Omega 3 Weight Loss Contradiction! Eat Fat to Lose Fat?

Omega 3, weight loss and overall body health really all go together. Over the past 20 years, there have been several thousand clinical studies conducted around the globe which point to the wonderful Omega 3 fatty acids as a true building block of total overall health both in and outside the body.
Improved skin condition and health, a decreased risk of heart disease, safer, healthier pregnancies, better motor skills in children, and lowered symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are just a few of the wonderful benefits this truly miraculous natural component has been proven to offer.
And contrary to popular opinion, and what your mother told you growing up, sometimes you need to eat fat to lose it! That's right, there are actually good and bad fats. Get enough of the good, and you can lose the bad. That is one of the funny things about this amazing Essential Fatty Acid (EFA), and is what I like to call the Omega 3 Weight Loss Contradiction.

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle: Diet Tips From Scholarly Research

How to lose fat - where do I start?

There is so much conflicting advice and tips about how to lose fat and gain muscle. It can be difficult to know who to listen to. However, when it comes to losing fat and gaining muscle, the scientific research about diets and dietary intake doesn't lie. If you want to know how to lose fat and gain muscle, there are some great diet tips for success that can be found in scholarly research investigations. Successfully losing fat and gaining muscle may just be the most rewarding thing you do to feel good and look great.
How to lose fat - Fad diets aren't the solution
Fad diets are a dime a dozen on the web, but I'm afraid they usually do not lead to sustained fat loss. The severe restrictions on the amount of calories you can eat are difficult to sustain and legitimate concerns have been raised about the safety of some fad diets.(1) Some forms of dieting, particularly those with extremely low calories can reduce your metabolism (the amount of energy your body burns to maintain itself). This is terrible if you want sustained fat loss.
How to lose fat - Don't ruin your metabolism

Can You Really Burn Fat While You Nap?

Many folks are not aware that their body is adapted to burn fat while at rest. The body does so naturally, 24 hours everyday. In fact, you will be surprised that your fat burning process occurs when you are resting. However, this depends on factors such as the frequency and intensity of physical activities you do during the day. So, is sleep really the best way to lose belly fat? Let me clarify this point further to clear the air. Sleeping alone is not the best way to lose fat and gain muscle.
Fat metabolism
The body normally stores excess fat as reserve energy. Nonetheless, after you finish supper, your body is burning off what you had for dinner. It is therefore prudent to avoid eating a snack in the evening because the calories will be gone amazingly fast, and at this point your body will instantly start utilizing the stored energy.
Simply put, after about 8 hours after you have dinner, all calories consumed from your meal are utilized up. This means that this is the prime time for your body to break down fat from its reserve and start metabolism. The process of metabolism is therefore the best way to burn fat while sleeping.

6 Quickest Ways To Lose Fat

We are all aware that obesity affects us in various ways. It does not only equate to serious health risks; but, it also lowers self-esteem which can be aggravated to depression. That is why many people want to lose fat quickly and start a new and active life.
Below are 6 Quickest Ways to Lose Fat that you can follow.
1. Change your diet plan. Eat right by cutting down or totally eliminating sugar, white flour and high fructose corn syrup. Sugar, flour and high fructose corn syrup are the number one cause of obesity in the world. These three immediately turn into fat in your body. As soon as you reduce or eliminate those three items, you will lose fat at a rapid pace.
2. Add more fiber to your diet. By eating more fiber, you will feel full for a longer period of time and not crave for more. Consider eating whole grains as they transport fat toward the digestive system quicker, allowing the body to be more energized and commanding the body to cease storing fat.

How Do You Lose Fat Around Your Sides?

Fat located to the sides of your abdomen is referred to in the bodybuilding industry as "stubborn fat" for a reason. Each gender has its own stubborn fat area - for men, this happens to be the sides of the abdomen. For women, it's usually the buttocks and the thighs.
The reason stubborn fat exists is because certain areas in our bodies contain more so-called receptors that block fat breakdown, while simultaneously containing less receptors involved in fat breakdown.
One thing I want to stress at this point is that it is not possible to reduce fat in an area of your choice - you can only lose fat overall, but it is the body and our internal processes that decide which fat and in what order will go first. There is not much you can do about that. However, if you stick to your diet for long enough, your body will have no choice but to tap into the last remaining pounds of fat left - which will likely be the fat in the stubborn areas.

How to Build Your Metabolism and Lose Fat Faster

Have you ever been in the following situation?
You feel like you're giving 110% in the gym, you're doing cardio, and you're eating clean... but you're still a bit soft in the middle. What gives?
Well, what many people don't know about getting shredded is it is really nothing more than a slow accumulation of doing a bunch of little things right. If you do only some of them right, you probably won't get there.
At its core, all effective weight loss methods do two-and only two-things:
1) They limit the amount of food you eat.
2) They increase the amount of calories you burn.
In this article, I want to share with you 7 tips on how to better accomplish #2.
Do HIIT Cardio

Lose Weight Faster With Body Wraps

Although body wraps are very popular because they help one lose weight fast - albeit temporarily, they are beneficial in more ways than one. These wraps help you detoxify the body by getting rid of toxins and debris under the skin, they help evenly tone the skin and restore its elasticity and improve blood circulation. Aside from that, they also mobilize fats fat at cellular level to remove them from the body naturally. Other than a mixing bowl, a heating pit, wrapping sheets such as thin towels and the natural gel or cream, you do not need any extra materials or ingredients to use body wraps. When you purchase a body wrap, it often comes with the sheets or towels and instructions on how to apply it on the body the right way.
Weight loss wraps work in two stages: The first stage is the absorption. In this stage, the natural substance in a gel form is applied on the body by the 'wraps'. The ingredients in the gel or concoction will open the pores of the skin and the fluids are absorbed into the skin. There are various types of absorbents including sea clay, herbal, mineral, sea weed and aloe vera. The effect, effectiveness and results of the body wraps is determined by the type of ingredients used.

Weight Loss - Obesity, Diets and Holistic Health

Diets are defined in the traditional sense of following a specific eating plan for weight loss/obesity.
Sure, following any of the hundreds of plans that have been promoted in the last few decades may result in some weight loss, but the benefits typically don't last.
Sadly, there is no magic bullet. No, not even those prescription medications that are common these days. Sure, they may result in shedding some pounds, but I've been observing nasty side effects in people that use them, and unless lifestyle changes are made, the pounds will come back.
The average American keeps getting heavier, especially children, and the new miracle diets keep coming, and the average American keeps getting heavier, especially children, and...
I suspect you get my point.

Weight Loss and Health Tips - Part II

Science is moving fast and things have become a lot easier than it used to be. Nowdays with the press of a button (internet), you can find almost everything you want and need. Many people are seeking for help in their weight loss problem in the web,but can surfing the internet help you lose this unwanted weight? Read on...
This second weight loss and health tip is about just that: the assistance of the internet in our weight loss goals and health. According to a new research, the internet can indeed be a place for helping people lose and keep the weight off. There are a plethora of diet sites on the web today.

Weight Loss With Vegetable Soup - Beat the Diet Cravings With Cheap, Healthy Soup

Have you often been left looking at the fridge and the cupboards wondering what you can have for lunch while sticking to your diet plan? Have you ended up grabbing something not so good because you are hungry and there's nothing suitable to hand and a lack of time to prepare anything else?
Vegetable soup is a useful part of any weight loss diet as it can be very low in calories and fat, and it will fill that hole in your stomach and stop the cravings - at least for a while! It is also a healthy option providing much needed fresh vegetables in the diet that can so easily be missed out.
The benefits are:
  • Low in fat
  • Low in calories
  • Filling
  • Healthy
  • Cheap
  • Can be made in bulk

A Reputable Weight Loss Clinic Focuses on Health and Individual Needs

In your search for a good weight loss clinic, it's likely that you have come across several options; from medical and surgical to non-medical and non-surgical. You may have also come across terms such as center or program while looking for a clinic. No matter what the terminology, you are seeking guidance by professionals in your desire to lose weight - so beware, and research any possible options thoroughly before signing up.
There are a host of services you may find when looking for the best weight loss clinic. Some offer medical supervision and nutritionists that help monitor your health and provide guidance in regards to nutrition and healthy eating for your own individual needs. Others suggest dietary supplements and prepackaged meals, while still others actually do procedures such as the lap-band surgery. Keep in mind your current weight and how much you want to lose when search for a weight loss clinic, as some will be more targeted to your needs than others.

Can Health and Weight Loss Coaching Online Work?

There are very few things that can't be done online these days: you can study, you can work, you can have fun, you can date, shop and you can socialise. So what about our health? Can we improve our health over the internet?
Certainly many people use the internet to self diagnose their health conditions, but ultimately there is still no replacement for seeing a medical professional, even if you arrive there thinking you know what is wrong with you.
So if this is the case, does it apply to online health and weight loss coaching too, where coaching professionals work with you to achieve your goals. Weight loss coaching online is on the rise as a new and dynamic way to improve your health, but can it really work? If coaching is about a relationship between two people, one guiding the other to achieve their goals, how can it work if they've never met?
If you are searching on the internet, it can sometimes seem very confusing to know where to start, and even more importantly, to know whom you can trust. The important thing, when it comes to your health is taking time for a bit of research and planning.

Diets, Exercise, Health, and Weight Loss

Square one. Stop thinking about diet, diets, dieting, on a diet, fad diet, latest diet, celebrity diet, diet pills, diet plans, diet programs... ad nauseum... literally!
A diet is simply what you eat! Your diet can consist of chocolate donuts or alfalfa sprouts, but most "Diets", with a capital "D" will not set you free. Instead, they lock you in a cage. Eat anything other than what they prescribe, and you are a failure... at least, so reads their literature.
Of course, what we eat and when we eat it can play a big part in weight loss or weight gain. Even where we eat can be a factor. Ever eat too much at Grandma's on Thanksgiving? I have. How about that cocktail party when you went wandering over to the snack trays, and drank one more drink because someone offered it to you? Okay, for me it would be sitting at the bar ordering one more beer (light, of course) because the game's not over yet. Oh yeah, pass the chips.

Hula Hooping for Health and Weight Loss

There are a lot of things you can do to stay active and lose weight these days. Unfortunately, there are few exercises that are low impact on your body but still give you an effective work out. Hula Hooping is a great option for anyone looking for a fun, stimulating, and laid-back way to lose weight and stay in shape.
How many calories can you burn during a hoop workout?
You burn approximately 7 calories per minute while hula hooping. An hour long exercise session can burn as many calories as spending an hour on a treadmill or an elliptical. Half an hour of hooping would be considered a standard workout. Put on some of your favorite music, do some hoop dancing, and that time will fly by.
What are the health benefits of hoop fitness?