Omega 3 Weight Loss Contradiction! Eat Fat to Lose Fat?

Omega 3, weight loss and overall body health really all go together. Over the past 20 years, there have been several thousand clinical studies conducted around the globe which point to the wonderful Omega 3 fatty acids as a true building block of total overall health both in and outside the body.
Improved skin condition and health, a decreased risk of heart disease, safer, healthier pregnancies, better motor skills in children, and lowered symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are just a few of the wonderful benefits this truly miraculous natural component has been proven to offer.
And contrary to popular opinion, and what your mother told you growing up, sometimes you need to eat fat to lose it! That's right, there are actually good and bad fats. Get enough of the good, and you can lose the bad. That is one of the funny things about this amazing Essential Fatty Acid (EFA), and is what I like to call the Omega 3 Weight Loss Contradiction.

I understand that telling you to get more fats in your diet goes against everything you have heard in your life. And I'm not suggesting you start adding saturated, processed and fast foods to your diet. But this EFA is called 'essential' for a reason.
Found primarily in fish or fish oil, and chock full of the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) EFAs, when you ingest significant quantities of Omega 3, weight loss, improved heart health and increased brain functioning are just some of your benefits.
However, unlike some of the things that our body definitely has to have to function properly, EFAs are not created internally in human beings, and must be taken in through our diet. I guess Grandma really did know what she was talking about when she said cod liver oil was good for you!
Unfortunately, some people don't like the taste or texture of fish, or simply have a lifestyle so hectic that shopping for fresh fish several times a week simply isn't going to happen.
But fortunately, with Omega 3, weight loss and all the other wonderful benefits can be yours if you simply add a One-A-Day, natural, side-effect-free fish oil supplement to your daily regimen. They're safe for all ages, and have no nasty aftertaste, but they are not all created equal.
Make sure that your fish oil supplement is chock-full of the all-important DHA and EPA fatty acids. Only then will you experience the biggest benefit of the Omega 3 Weight Loss Contradiction, eating fat (EFAs) to lose fat.
Now that you are armed with this information, do yourself a favour, and make sure you add Omega 3 to your diet now, to strengthen your weight loss efforts, and significantly improve your health and protection.
Mary Ruddy is a natural health expert, and in conjunction with her editors and researchers, runs a series of natural health websites. Take a moment to visit her website today at and discover the Omega 3 supplement she and her team personally use and recommend after extensive research.

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