13 Tips For Staying on a Diet

Often times it is easy to find a diet you like and you even start it. However, staying on it and avoiding cheating can be more difficult. Temptation is everywhere and while we try to stay motivated and on track and have the best intentions in mind we can easily cheat or abort the diet all together.
When losing weight we have to be proactive because willpower alone is not enough. Here are some steps and strategies you can take to insure ongoing success and to reach your weight loss goals.
13 Steps to Staying on a Diet
1. Drink lots of water, it is amazing how a tall glass water can relieve hunger.
2. Have pictures of your heavy self in site in the kitchen, on the fridge, and anywhere else as a reminder of your weight loss goals.

3. If you can, remove all cheat foods from your kitchen.
4. Write down all the reasons you want to lose weight before you start the weight loss plans, keep it with you  and when you feel like straying off the diet read it.
5. Look in the mirror when you want to cheat.
6. Avoid going out to dinner when you first start dieting, sometimes restaurant menus and fast food places can throw you off track by triggering cravings and hunger for cheat foods.
7. Switch the channel during food commercials, sensory and suggestive ads and images can really trigger cravings. Don't watch the Food Channel, that is a sure craving trigger nightmare.
8. If at all possible, try to find a diet that is as close as possible to what everyone in the family can eat, or if not, try to have someone else in the family do the cooking so that you do not have to handle foods that you cannot eat.
9. Use small plates when serving yourself meals. Smaller plates give the illusion of more food and make the meal psychologically more satisfying and you will feel more sated.
10. Exercise is an important component of dieting in general as it accelerates fat burning and gets the heart pumping. Not everyone likes to exercise, but taking a walk, a swim or doing some sit ups is a good way to take your mind off food and hunger. Also, taking a drive is a good way to distract your mind and relax.
11. Stay busy. Often times cheating happens when we are bored and then we just wind up eating out of boredom. Learn to really listen to your body, it is amazing how many times people eat not out of hunger but from boredom or other psychological reasons, like depression and stress.
12. Buy a dress or pants in your goal size and leave them hanging in visible site so that everyday you are reminded of your weight loss goal.
13. Remember that you are doing for yourself and that you are worthy of good health and looking and feeling your best at all times!
Learn more about dieting, get free diet plans, support, weight loss resources and guides at: Free Diet Plans, including a list of Fat Burning Foods, Atkins Diet Plan, Grapefruit Diet, lots of diet tips and much more.

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