5 Tips to Make a Highly Effective Body Wrap at Home

Body wraps have been used for years for various reasons. They are a superb treatment for skin tightening and toning, inch loss, detoxification, cellulite control, skin nourishing and conditioning and pain relief. Body wrapping does not have to be complicated or have a huge list of ingredients in order for you to achieve your goals. These 5 tips will ensure that your homemade body wrap is successful and not stressful.
1) Goal - Be aware of your goal. Are you trying to lose inches? Eliminate cellulite? Relieve Pain? Knowing the purpose of your wrap helps you chose the right ingredients to achieve your goal.
2) Time - Make sure you set aside at least 1-1/2 to 2 hours for your body wrap. Of course this depends on if you are doing a full wrap or a partial wrap. This time is set aside for you to relax, so make sure you do not have any interruptions.

3) Pre-Wrap Formula - Applying a good pre-wrap formula prepares your body for your wrap making the skin absorb your wrap ingredients better. This formula should contain ingredients that open the pores as well as help carry the ingredients to the deepest layer of the skin and can consist of no more than 2-3 ingredients.
4) Buy your Ingredients from a Reputable Source - A good reason to make your own body wrap is that you know exactly what you are putting on your skin. Make sure that the company you get your ingredients from have the highest standards for there herbs, essential oils, or seaweeds. High quality ingredients are an absolute must!
5) Post-Wrap Formula - Applying a Post-wrap formula directly after your body wrap helps to close pores and nourish and hydrate the skin, and further maximize your results. This formula is a weaker detoxifying formula that can be applied several days after your wrap.
Making your own body wraps is an inexpensive way to benefit regularly from body wraps. Preparing this body treatment allows you to know exactly what you are applying to your skin as well make sure you get the maximum results.
Danielle Sims regularly writes articles on health and beauty and has created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. Get the details on her body wrap recipes by visiting her site.

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